There are 2 reason as a result of which diabetes occur. Type-1 Diabetes: Type-1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease.The body immune system attacks the beta cells that produce insulin.
- Diabetes may run in families, but genetic causes are more common to type-2 rather than type-1
- Environmental factors may also contributes to such problems. e.g food-borne chemical toxins,
Type-1 diabetes is more common in men then women.
Type-2 Diabetes:
Type-2 diabetes as expressed earlier is more related to genetic reasons, and it tends to run in families. Risk factor to develop diabetes is as follows. - Hypertension(high Blood Pressure).
- High-Fat diet.
- High alcohol usage.
- being overweight or obesity.
- Increase age is also a factor for type-2 diabetes.
Physical in activity is contributes in type-2 diabetes.
- Heredity is a major cause of diabetes. if both parents have type 2 diabetes, that there is a chance that nearly all of heir children will have diabetes.
- Certain medicines
- pregnancy
- Any illness that cause damage to pancreas which effects the ability to produce proper insulin.
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